Die Young & Save Yourself.

Just want to start this post on a positive note by acknowledging two excellent paramedics who attended to me last week when I was feeling very suicidal. East Midlands Ambulance Service; Dave Baugh & Krystian Sawicki. They were brilliant, and if only the pair of them were sent to every depressed person that calls, I think all patients would struggle to hold back a laugh. Hands down the best NHS workers I have ever met. That goes for crisis team, doctors & psychiatrists too.


We are all suffering slowly, when subjected to narrow minded comments from the ones we love, as well as the one’s we don’t know. Skeletons caressed by nettles, how does your garden grow? Commence the altercations lurking in the undertow.

If you’re a parent, and you don’t even attempt to understand, then you’re commending your child’s demons, with a lousy helping hand. The words you say can be dismissed but not forgiven, and a deeper solitude is where they could more than likely be driven.

Did you expect their adulthood to be a ride in the park, and a setback from your own expectations? So they bite til they bleed, still, no harsher than your bark. You should let sleeping dogs lie, if you simply believe it’s just for attention. Did you hear it through the grapevine? Or your own incomprehension?

Canines rip through flesh. Bloody lacerations. Is your ignorance a waste product of your very own vexations? Do you fail to acknowledge these problems or is it easier to turn a blind eye? Do you find if you don’t say something directly, you still manage to imply? 

Are you ashamed they didn’t land on their feet as well as some of your friends kids had? Even though some of them actually bullied your own young lad. People are the constant, that lead others to despondence. So tell me, right now, how clean is your conscience?

None of us are innocent, but many take things to the extremes. Are you not disappointed when you’re living in this nightmare? So absent are your dreams. 

There seems to be so many parents who are so discourteous and oblivious to the mental conflicts their own offspring are subjected to. It’s like blatantly obvious evidence they fail to construe. No wonder so many give up on the one thing they had to help make it through.

So I plead you to change, and take the time to truly understand to the best of your abilities. So we can end the stigma and judgements of capabilities.

Care doesn’t end at adulthood, because that’s when most things pile up, and the questions to the meanings of life will arise. Don’t assume the worst is over, just because to you, a smile is the most believable disguise.


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